Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wait, what election?

So prior to Tuesdays class I had no clue that we had an election approaching for a new Governor in California, among other things. So this assignment helped me figure a few things out about whats going on.

So basically it is Jerry Brown (D) vs Meg Whitman (R). Surprising news seeing as Jerry Brown used to be the mayor of Oakland so seeing a familiar face was interesting.

Jerry Brown has once been the Governor of this great state and has a political resume that can go to bat with plenty of people. His 2010 campaign slogan is "Lets get California working again", which implies that he will be trying to open up jobs for citizens of California I guess. On his website he has a page titled solutions that list 7 topics that Jerry Brown is commited to fix. Im not the most political man in the world so I dont know what many of these solutions actually mean but here they are.

Those 7 are:
Jobs for California's future
Clean Energy Jobs Plan
Pension Reform
Fighting to Protect Civil Rights

On the other side of the ballot is Meg Whitman who was once the C.E.O of Ebay (a website that I adore) so she must have tons of money. However in class on Tuesday I heard that she had never voted in her life, which is odd for any type of politician.

When I visited her website, i went to her platform page. The page was basically a bunch of pictures of her around Califonia and a letter in the middle gubenortorial of the page titled 'Dear Fellow Californian'. The letter outlined her campaign platform and she spoke of three main goals she has is she is elected. She wants to create 2 million new jobs in California, establish long-term fiscal stability, and last to fix the schools.

I dont know much about each person but it seems as if they both are focusing on the same things so I dont know who I would, or will for that matter, vote for. And seeing as this will be the first ballot I ever fill out, it is a pretty big deal.

Aside from the two main candidates running, I also learned about the election process in general, on the
gubernatorial level that is. So there are elections every four years, and this year the election will be on November 2. Also primary elections were held on June 8. Arnold S. has been our Governor since 2003, and is ineligible to run this year. Also in addition to the election of a Governor, there will be many propositions on the ballot as well; such as Prop 19 aka the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010.

Well, Im being kicked out of the lab right now, so there ends my blog, however I feel as if I learned a lot more than what is presented, which is a good thing.

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