Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Will evolving forms of journalism be an improvement?

Yes. I believe the evolving forms of journalism will be an improvement, because with all the new mediums there are to get news and information these days it makes it easier to stay in the loop. Before the internet, one either had to watch the news on television, or read some sort of news publication. However, with the rise of the internet and the downfall of print news almost anybody can find what they are looking for, especially iof you know where to look.

But, there are alwasy two sides to every story. With the rise of internet news comes the rise of citizen reporters, who dont necessairily have the proper qualifications to broadcast news. With that being said, if one were to search for a topic that is all over the news, chances are 4 or 5 of the ten results you get may not be reliable.

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